“Small Business Success for Small Manufacturing”
These are my notes on what foundations a business needs to have so that the proper focus is maximized and obstacles are minimized. This is what was learned from hundreds of manufacturing businesses in the Chicago area.
Book Outline
1- Three Types of Business Success
Luck, Hard Work, Smarts
2- Believe
Attitude is everything
3- Work and Focus
Know what you want to do with your business every day
4- The Product can be Anything
Just make sure you make something that customers need
5- Customers
Find your big three
6- Technology and Training
This is key to staying ahead of the competition
7- Cash Flow is King
Cash solves a lot of problems
8- People are the Key
Focus on your strengths and build on your core advantages
9- Business Cycles
Every business has them and good businesses make it thru all of them
10- Work on the Business, Not in It
Transition to an owner not a worker
11- Develop a Support Group or Circle of Influence
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